"This is a valuable long-view chart from the Energy Information Administration showing how natural gas plants and wind turbines have been the dominant sources of new electricity generation capacity in the United States in recent years."


Thinkprogress is critical of this development and shows the vast differences betwen states: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/08/21/720881/eia-natural-gas-renewables...

For instance, Obamas home state Illinois just added 800 MW of coal generation.

"Bottom line: The U.S. grid is slowly cutting its carbon intensity. Unfortunately, the U.S. (and global) climate is rapidly deteriorating. Avoiding far more extreme weather and devastating droughts post-2040 would require taking U.S. electric generation carbon emissions to near zero by 2050. There just is very little room for new natural gas and no room for new dirty coal."

23 Aug 2012 - 6:00
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