PriceWaterhouseCoopers surveyed "72 senior power and utility company executives in 43 different countries".


Besides the main point in the headline, here are some other snippets from the executive summary:

"investment has become more difficult. 78% report that the financial crisis and economic downturn has had a medium to very high impact on shortage of capital for infrastructure projects."

"The industry is confident that smart grid technologies will be in place by 2030"

"the overwhelming industry sentiment in our survey is that a fossil fuel subsidy phase-out is improbable and that such subsidies will persist into the next decade."

"Some see a potential ‘power to gas’ breakthrough in electricity storage. Nearly one in five in our survey even go so far as to say it will be the most common form of electric storage by 2030."

01 May 2012 - 2:24
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